
Go East, young man: Eastern Canada offers viability for LNG projects—Part 1


The phrase, “Go West, young man” is widely credited to the American New-York Tribune newspaper editor and author Horace Greeley in the year 1865.

New in Gas Processing Technology


Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI) has concluded an agreement to license technology for its flue gas carbon dioxide (CO2) capture plant to PJSC Metafrax, a major Russian chemical company.

Gas Processing News


HIMA, an independent provider of smart safety solutions, has signed a long-term service contract with INPEX to support the maintenance of the safety instrumented systems at the Ichthys LNG project in Australia.

Business Trends


In the business of hydrocarbon production, accurate accounting of produced fluids and gases is critical from a process control, management and fiscal perspective.

Editorial Comment


The US East Coast will send out its first LNG exports in early 2018 as Dominion Energy’s Cove Point LNG export facility in Lusby, Maryland becomes operational.

Automated process for cooldown of main cryogenic heat exchanger


No matter how reliable an LNG plant is, situations will arise that require restart from a shutdown condition.

Meet compression train base package design requirements for FPSOs—Part 2


Floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels are used throughout the world for the processing of oil and gas, for oil storage and for offloading to a tanker or through a pipeline.

Software development for designing gas adsorption processes


Adsorption in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries is used for separation and purification of different gas and liquid streams.

LNG plant design in cold climates


Monetizing natural gas via LNG technology in cold climates (e.g., Kenai, Alaska; Hammerfest, Norway; and Sakhalin, Russia) has proven commercially viable.

New in Gas Processing Technology


AMETEK Land’s Near Infrared Borescope (NIR-B) 3XR enhanced thermal imager is helping Air Liquide continuously measure the temperature of tube walls within its steam methane reformers (SMRs).

US Industry Metrics


In the US, Henry Hub natural gas spot prices slid toward $2.50/MMBtu in October, according to US EIA data, after hovering in the range of $2.75/MMBtu–$3/MMBtu through much of the summer.

Gas Processing News


GTT received an order from South Korean shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries for a new floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU).

Executive Viewpoint


In one of the toughest markets in the history of gas compression, we are challenged to deliver more with less.

Business Trends


Indonesia, home to 260 MM people on 14,000 islands across a vast archipelago, is estimated to become the seventh-largest economy in the world by 2030, with such growth expected to boost the nation’s energy consumption by 80% from present levels.<sup>1</sup>

Editorial Comment


At October’s HPI Forecast Breakfast for our sister publication, <i>Hydrocarbon Processing</i>, I shared <i>Gas Processing</i>’s forecast on change in the LNG industry.

Industry metrics


In the US, Henry Hub natural gas spot prices hovered around $3/MMBtu in August, according to US EIA data.

Gas processing news


On August 17, the Sovcomflot-owned icebreaking LNG carrier Christophe de Margerie completed its first commercial voyage, transporting LNG through the Northern Sea Route (NSR) from Norway to South Korea.

New in gas processing technology


China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) delivered the final LNG core module for Novatek’s Yamal LNG project in Russia in mid-August.

Embracing innovation and diversity in liquefaction technology—Part 1


The LNG liquefaction business has witnessed many transitions as it has moved from the remotest corners of the world to settle in more developed industrial environments, including the US Gulf Coast (USGC).

Precooling strategies for efficient natural gas liquefaction


The invention of the propane precooled mixed refrigerant (C3MR) natural gas liquefaction process in 1970 brought about better efficiency and greater economies of scale than had previously been available to the young LNG industry.

Floating cryogenic hoses unlock new opportunities in LNG transfer


The LNG market is both growing and changing.

Optimal design and operation of molecular sieves for gas dehydration—Part 2


Part 1 of this article examined the main design elements of a molecular sieve dehydration unit, although it is virtually impossible to design such a process unit without taking operational aspects into account.

Meet compression train base package design requirements for FPSOs—Part 1


Floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels are used throughout the world for the processing of oil and gas, for oil storage and for offloading to a tanker or through a pipeline.

Manage risks for trans-country pipeline projects: India case study—Part 2


Sourcing gas by investing in a trans-country pipeline is an option being considered for India.

Regional focus


Russian natural gas monopoly Gazprom is strengthening its presence in the gas market of the Middle East through the planned construction of an 11-metric-MMtpy–12-metric-MMtpy LNG plant in Iran.

Editorial comment


The ongoing development of shale gas resources in the US has spurred infrastructure construction for both natural gas processing capacity and LNG export terminals.

Manage risks for trans-country pipeline projects: India case study—Part 1


The World Bank’s “South Asia Economic Focus” report, released in October 2016, predicted that India’s GDP growth of 7.6% in 2016 would persist or even strengthen in 2017.

Process selection and recent design innovations for LNG plants—Part 2


Different types of natural gas liquefaction plants have been developed across the world to meet rising demand for LNG. The selection of LNG technology involves parameters such as equipment (e.g., compressors, turbines, heat exchangers, etc.) and process definitions (e.g., pressure levels, temperature range, type of refrigerant, etc.).

Optimal design and operation of molecular sieve gas dehydration units—Part 1


Molecular sieve technology is widely used for the simultaneous removal of water and mercaptans from both gas and liquid feed streams.

Integrally geared MR compressors reduce CAPEX and boost efficiency of small-scale LNG


While lower natural gas prices have created challenges for large-scale LNG liquefaction plants, they are creating opportunities for the industry’s small- to mid-sized counterparts.