
Mitigate corrosion in sweet gas amine units


An extensive review of acid gas removal units covering five decades and more than 120 amine units showed that units treating sweet gases (i.e., those with CO2 only) presented the worst risks of corrosion.

Niobrara/DJ gas processing buildout slows, despite continued service expansion


The Niobrara/Denver-Julesburg (DJ) basin has been one of the fastest-growing gas producing areas in North America during the past few years.

Small-scale methanol technologies offer flexibility, cost effectiveness


Gas monetization through the production of methanol using small-scale plants could be a promising option.

Gas-to-power networks expand global opportunity for gas


New gas discoveries, in combination with advances in technology, are making it possible to address previously insurmountable energy challenges in underserved regions of the world.

Catalyst development enables innovative OCM technology application


Access to shale reserves and advances in hydraulic fracturing technology have created an abundance of recoverable natural gas and lightweight NGL in various regions of the world, but nowhere has the impact been more pronounced than in the US.

Pair NGL recovery with LNG production to improve processing economics


In recent years, the use of LNG as a clean-burning alternative to coal, gasoline and diesel has grown dramatically.

Design an alternate purge system for an LNG plant fired heater


LNG trade is expanding globally at a rapid pace. Natural gas is brought to market either with a traditional pipeline or through an LNG supply chain.

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New in gas processing technology


Maag’s new S Series of screw pumps is said to offer the process industries a variety of options for conveying challenging fluids.

US Industry Metrics


In the US, natural gas prices dropped throughout the summer amid high gas production and sedated oil prices.

Gas processing news


GE Oil & Gas has shipped two LNG compressor trains that are being supplied for the development of Dominion’s Cove Point LNG export facility, currently under construction by IHI E&C International Corp. and Kiewit Energy Co.

Executive Q&A viewpoint


In June, Cheniere Energy Inc. revealed plans for two significant LNG project developments that are expected to add up to 19 MMtpy of incremental LNG production capacity and bring Cheniere’s aggregate nominal LNG production capacity to 60 MMtpy by 2025.

Editorial comment


LNG is an increasingly important source of energy for gas importers and a growing business for gas exporters.

Boxscore Construction Analysis


Gaz-System sa’s $3-B, 5-Bcmy Świnoujście LNG terminal (also referred as Polskie LNG) is an LNG import terminal under construction in Świnoujście, Poland.

Predict gas hydrate formation temperature with a simple correlation


Hydrate formation temperature (HFT) can be precisely predicted using a new, simple correlation.

Western Canada welcomes expanding gas supply, processing capacity


Gas processing plant utilization is fairly steady in Canada, despite oil price levels that have impacted propane and ethane values.

Limit single-source peak flaring load with staggered depressurization


Emergency depressurization is an important safeguarding measure to reduce the failure potential of a vessel.

Commercializing flared gas for the Nigerian market through small-scale liquefaction


Natural gas is an underutilized energy and chemical resource in Nigeria, despite the country having 187 Tcf of proven reserves.

Setting the stage for the future of smaller-scale GTL


In May 1954, athlete Roger Bannister broke the four-minute-mile barrier—something that, only a few years prior, experts had stated was impossible.

The new GTL: Small-scale technology will propel GTL ahead


The unlocking of shale gas reserves through horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing has stimulated interest in the oil and gas industry in GTL technologies.

Brayton refrigeration cycles for small-scale LNG


LNG is an industrial process of great importance, with a worldwide baseload production capacity of approximately 300 metric MMtpy, primarily from large-scale baseload LNG plants with capacities of 3 metric MMtpy to 8 metric MMtpy per processing train.

What’s new in gas processing technology


Burckhardt Compression has received a number of orders for its Laby-GI compressor system for fuel gas supply.

US Industry Metrics


In the US, Henry Hub natural gas spot prices hit a brief spike above $3/MMBtu in May, but then swung back down into the range of $2.50/MMBtu–$3/MMBtu, where they had bounced through most of March and April.

Gas processing news


For the last three decades, chemical companies worldwide have been working to develop a process to convert methane into ethylene.

Executive Q&A viewpoint-Schuetzle


All fuels are not created equal, claims Greyrock Energy.

Executive Q&A viewpoint-Dandashly


Gas Processing spoke to Hasan Dandashly, president and CEO of Downstream Technology Solutions for GE Oil and Gas, about the role of small-scale LNG in the evolving natural gas marketplace, the challenges and opportunities for implementing small-scale gas processing in different world regions, and the outlook for floating LNG (FLNG).

Industry perspective


NGL production is growing fast. According to RBN Energy, NGL production from natural gas processing increased in the US from 1.7 MMbpd in 2009 to almost 3 MMbpd in 2014, and is expected to continue growing to 4.5 MMbpd by 2019. NGL production far exceeds demand, and the gap is growing.

Editorial comment


Small-scale gas processing projects are reaching a broader audience as companies seek niche solutions for monetizing stranded and associated gas reserves.

Boxscore Construction Analysis


On the west bank of the Nile River, just on the outskirts of Cairo, sit the Great Pyramids of Giza.

Improve the calculation of solids precipitation in gas compositions


The formation of solids during the cooling of natural gas streams is of high importance in gas processing, as the operational reliability of the entire plant is at stake.