
GTL Technology Forum 2015 to examine tech trends in shifting market


GTL technology opportunities and applications are shifting alongside changing market dynamics.

A new approach for sizing finger-type (multiple-pipe) slug catchers


A slug catcher, which is a part of the gas pipeline system, is essential equipment at the receiving terminal of a multiphase-flow processing plant.

The Bakken shale’s good news for gas processors


As unconventional oil and gas production in North Dakota’s (ND’s) Bakken shale play tops 1 Bcfd amid falling crude oil prices, some upstream developers show early indications of moving their focus away from oil and toward more natural gas—which is good news for gas processors.

Improve economics with GTL integration into oil sands operations


At the beginning of the last decade, a wave of interest in GTL was driven by environmental awareness and peak oil predictions.

How technology is opening up new markets for shale gas and GTL


The shale revolution has been the biggest driver of change in the energy landscape in North America over the past 10 years, and it is expected to continue to be the driving force for the foreseeable future.

Retrofit an LPG plant for improved output and ethane recovery


An LPG plant in Damietta, Egypt, operated by El-Wastani Petroleum Co. (WASCO), contains a turboexpander LPG recovery unit.

Retool heat exchanger design for different operating scenarios


For many applications in the process industries, process fluid (either gas or liquid) is heated by steam to maintain the desired process outlet temperature. Generally, the process fluid is heated in the tube side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger by the steam flow in the shell side.

What’s new in gas processing technology


Rotork GO gas-over-oil actuators have been supplied for failsafe valve control duties on a new cryogenic LNG pipeline in Venezuela.

US Industry Metrics


In the US, Henry Hub (HH) natural gas spot prices continued to slide into the beginning of 2015.

Gas processing news


The Linde Group, via its Swedish Engineering subsidiary, Cryo AB, has been awarded a contract by Meyer Turku Shipyard of Finland to build an LNG fuel gas system for a next-generation high-speed ferry being built for AS Tallink Grupp.

Executive Q&A viewpoint


In today’s low-oil-price environment, energy operating and service companies are finding synergies in mergers and acquisitions to create added value and to reduce costs.

Industry perspective


Gas Processing spoke to Alfredo Ingelmo Torres, chair of the marketing committee of the International Gas Union (IGU), director at Gas Natural CEGAS in eastern Spain and a speaker at the 26th World Gas Conference (WGC) in Paris, France, a media partner of Gas Processing.

Editorial comment


The startup of Chevron’s $10-B, 33-Mbpd Escravos GTL plant in Nigeria in the second half of 2014 marked the operation of the world’s fifth large-scale GTL project.

Boxscore Construction Analysis


Mexico suffered years of gas shortages as US pipeline capacity failed to keep up with its growing industrial demand for gas, and as state energy firm Pemex focused on more profitable oil production.

Understanding RAM analysis and typical availability values for LNG plants


The overall production availability of an LNG plant is a major criterion for economic evaluation.

Show Preview: ShaleTech Canada


ShaleTech Canada 2015 is the premier event for professionals working in the shale oil and gas industry in Canada, which is the world’s fifth-largest oil producer.

Marcellus-Utica gas processing builds, despite oil price slump


Oil prices have fallen by more than 50% since the June 2014 high of $107.20/bbl, prompting many upstream and oilfield-services companies to slash their 2015 budgets.

Troubleshoot and solve a gas treater downcomer unsealing problem: Part 2


The ADGAS Integrated Gas Development (IGD) fuel gas treatment (FGT) system is a methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) absorber-regenerator system designed to supply 25 MMscfd of sweet fuel gas (having less than 20 ppm of H2S) for the IGD turbines and the flare purge and pilots.

The ‘seven deadly sins’ of filtration and separation systems


Separation systems play a fundamental role in gas processing, both for reliability and as enabling devices for enhanced throughput and process stability.

Powering the changing landscape of shale gas


Natural gas is one of the most abundant resources to come out of the horizontal drilling revolution in unconventional plays.

Optimize capacity and efficiency for an amine unit


The removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from natural gas is a necessary treating step prior to cryogenic processing.

Consider low-strength acid gas processing retrofit options for sulfur recovery


The natural gas fields feeding Saudi Aramco’s Haradh gas plant in Haradh, Saudi Arabia contain gas with more CO2 content than H2S.

What’s new in gas processing technology


Nextteq’s line of Gastec pumps and detector tubes precisely measures gases and vapors in over 600 applications, making it useful for gas detection and measurement, as well as for detecting leaks and fugitive emissions.

Gas processing news


Swiss chemicals firm INEOS is planning to invest $1 B in UK onshore shale gas exploration and appraisal.

US Industry Metrics


In the US, Henry Hub natural gas and NGL spot prices bounced back up in February after a prolonged decline over the preceding 12 months.

Executive Q&A viewpoint


The oil and gas industry has undergone massive changes during the past three years and continues to be in flux.

Gas seperation


The Ichthys LNG project is a JV between INPEX, Total and the Australian subsidiaries of Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Chubu Electric Power and Toho Gas.

Editorial comment


Falling crude oil prices have impacted profit forecasts for oil and gas producers, as well as for petrochemical makers and gas processors.

Boxscore Construction Analysis


Large quantities of shale gas, tight gas and coalbed methane are being discovered and extracted in the vast Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB), which covers southwestern Manitoba, southern Saskatchewan, Alberta (AB), northeastern British Columbia (BC) and the southwest corner of the Northwest Territories.

Consider key factors in pipeline wall thickness calculation and selection


Pipeline wall thickness plays a significant role in mitigating the risk of loss of mechanical integrity and pipeline failure—scenarios that pose danger to people and to the environment.