
Optimized high-pressure injection system design


This article details an optimization opportunity that was taken in a high-pressure injection system after a thorough evaluation during the Hawiyah Unayzah Gas Reservoir Storage (HUGRS) project in Saudi Arabia.

How boil-off gas APC exceeded expectations at an Australian LNG plant


The use of advanced process control (APC) technology on LNG liquefaction trains is well accepted with some of the earliest implementations developed in the late 1990s.

New inlet feed gas conditioning technology for contaminant removal in amine units


While many amine units function well over the life of the LNG facility, some are prone to periodic or even frequent foaming events. This article discusses likely causes and potential solutions to these foaming episodes in amine units, which also apply to gas treating in general.

The race for clean energy: LNG and LH2 as the next frontier in fuel technology


This article presents a comparison of LNG and LH2 as fuels, and discusses the properties and characteristics of both, including energy density, transportation, storage, safety, environmental impact, availability and cost.

Optimizing waste heat recovery systems for more efficient, sustainable operations


In the natural gas sector, recovering available waste heat from processing operations and converting it into carbon-free electricity can represent a significant opportunity to reduce emissions and increase energy savings.

European LNG: The current market and its future


The European LNG market is often characterized as a single homogenized LNG market. However, there are several distinct LNG markets within Europe, and LNG plays different roles and has different strategic and geopolitical importance in different parts of the continent. This article examines the current state of Europe's LNG market.

The story behind engineering the world’s largest post-combustion carbon capture plant


VPI—a power generator and owner of a 1,260-MW combined-cycle natural gas power plant based in Immingham, UK, adjacent to the Humber Oil refinery—is set to play a pivotal role in decarbonizing the region, as it plans to transform its existing facility into the largest post-combustion carbon capture plant of its type in the world.

How LNG exporters in the U.S. can take full advantage of their opportunities


In 2021, the U.S. was the third leading exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG), behind only Australia and Qatar.

Integrate a heat exchanger in a debutanizer cooling system


Air temperature plays a key role in determining the efficiency of air fan coolers in the summer months.

How to optimize energy consumption to beat rising costs


Most individuals and organizations rely on natural gas in one form or another, from small-scale residential appliances (e.g., stoves, heaters) to large-scale feedstock for farming fertilizers in food production, fired equipment at a processing facility or transportation purposes.

Executive Q&A: At the forefront of digital innovation with fast, accurate, decision-ready data


Gas Processing & LNG had the opportunity to speak with Quorum Software CEO Paul Langenbahn (PL) about the company’s services and applications, customer concerns, and its plans for future growth.

Fire water pump “listed” flexible shaft couplings procurement challenges


As part of the detailed design stage of a gas processing project (Jafurah Gas Plant) for the author’s company, the assigned contractor is in control to start the bidding process with approved vendors to procure needed equipment.

Using API 5L-grade X70 seamless and welded pipes for wet sour applications—Part 2


High-strength pipes are required for oil and gas industries to transport high-pressure sour hydrocarbon crude and gas for both onshore and offshore pipeline applications.

Measure CO2 flows accurately for CCUS


Energy demand is predicted to double over the next two decades.

Detecting operator-induced faults on a liquid expander


This case study examines a LNG plant that thought they found a way to shorten the start-up time for liquid expanders. The result was not as expected. Fortunately, the condition monitoring system and service specialists provided diagnostic information to understand the problem better and avoid a catastrophic failure.

The importance of moisture analysis in pipelines and gas transportation


Nearly every substance is affected by moisture, which can alter physical, chemical and electrical properties.

Fuel gas blending: Follow the H2 signal


In some cases, it may be practical to blend hydrogen (H2) into the local natural gas distribution network via an agreement with local utilities, but regardless of the strategy, blending must be carefully controlled. This article examines these challenges.

A sustainable solution to reduce Europe’s reliance on natural gas


This analysis shows that Europe will need to reduce natural gas demand by 55 Bm3 this year alone to mitigate against a potentially colder winter, a possible end to Russian supplies or rebounding Asian demand. This comes at a time when Europe has little bandwidth for additional energy rationing without sustaining a steeper slowdown in economic activity.

Using API 5L-grade X70 seamless and welded pipes for wet sour applications – Part 1


High-strength pipes are required for oil and gas industries to transport high-pressure sour hydrocarbon crude and gas for both onshore and offshore pipeline applications.

Take the mystery out of running your LNG plant


While process simulation software can be used by plant engineers to calculate the dewpoint temperature of mixed refrigerant, this is of limited use to the plant operators at the control panel in maintaining an appropriate amount of mixed refrigerant superheat as they adjust the plant. To address these challenges, the authors’ company has developed a simplified method of calculating mixed refrigerant superheat that can be programmed in the distributed control system (DCS) and made available to panel operators.

How tech is laying the foundation for future LNG success and compliance


This article details some of the ways LNG operators are embracing and deploying technology to close the gaps that exist in their ESG compliance infrastructures and emerging operational needs.

New technology enables the green transition away from natural gas


Countries around the world are urgently seeking alternatives to fossil fuels to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and thereby limit global warming.

Staying cool: Regenerative turbine pumps and refrigerant processing


Refrigerants are an essential element of successful operations, providing the proper temperatures to keep products in an ideal state for short or long periods of time.

Identify anomalies among base prover volumes of bidirectional prover


It is important to accurately measure hydrocarbon commodities transferred through pipelines or marine terminals at the point where ownership of the commodity is transferred.

Distance and politics mean no easy solution to Russia’s pipeline problem


Russia has largely been able to maintain its oil exports despite de jure and de facto restrictions on destination, mode of transit and price.

Optimized Joule-Thomson Control Valves are Critical for LNG Operations


Liquified gas applications typically require high pressure and cryogenic temperatures to achieve gas separation and liquification.

Avoiding methane emissions charges with the help of predictive maintenance


Methane is a component of natural gas. It is also labeled as a greenhouse gas (GHG) which, according to the Oxford’s English dictionary, is “a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect, global warming effect, by absorbing infrared radiation similar to carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons.”

Tales from the front line: Four lessons learned from a former NGL scheduler


They are on the front lines of daily logistics—the unsung heroes behind the scenes in the energy supply chain who get in early, stay late and typically work odd hours.

Managing the new risk profile of energy transition projects


The time is ripe to realize the vision of a clean energy future.

Estimating the capital cost of modular gas monetization projects


With the ever-increasing demand for energy, the discovery of natural gas resources—especially in the form of unconventional gas such as shale gas, tight gas, coalbed methane (CBM) and gas hydrates—has stimulated a boom in the production of fuels and chemicals.