EnviTec Biogas expands its portfolio to include wind and solar power

  • EnviTec Wind l Solar GmbH & Co. KG embraces technological openness for the climate transition

Driving the energy transition forward with an open mind about technology – this is the goal of the recently founded joint venture between EnviTec Biogas AG, the von Lehmden group of companies, and Freese Beratungs GmbH. EnviTec Wind l Solar GmbH & Co. KG is therefore part of the financially strong group of companies of Germany’s largest biogas producer.

“With the newly founded startup based in Lohne, we are adding the wind and solar power segments to EnviTec’s renewables portfolio,” explains Olaf von Lehmden, CEO of the company, which operates worldwide from Lohne and Saerbeck in Germany.

EnviTec’s commitment to renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaics, is nothing new. “Our purchase in 2017 of an agricultural business in the district of Märkisch-Oderland, Brandenburg – which included a 132-ha site with planning permission for a possible ground-mounted PV system – was a direct investment in the development of a 150-MW solar park,” explains Andreas Freese, who, alongside Olaf von Lehmden, serves as managing director of the newly founded company. After successfully obtaining approval to upgrade the site to the latest technology, the first solar park development was sold to an energy company.

The Wuschewier solar park was subsequently built on a 47-ha site within the vicinity.

“Thanks to the 101,712 PV modules installed here, we can supply energy for around 16,000 households with an annual consumption of 3,800 kWh,” continues Freese.

The first self-operated project operates under the name Tibo Photovoltaik Wuschewier GmbH & Co. KG and was connected to the 110-KV high-voltage grid within eight months. “At this size, the electricity can no longer be fed into the medium-voltage grid, so we had to build a transformer station about 1.7 km away, investing around €3 MM for this alone,” Freese continues. In total, the planning and approval phases, including the time required for constructing the park, took approximately three years.

Focus on unused and low-yield farmland. “Unlike biogas plant technology, the module technology in photovoltaics is changing very quickly,” says Freese. Roughly the size of a residential door, the modules weigh approx. 30 kilograms and are mounted on a steel structure at a precise angle and orientation. For its PV projects, EnviTec works with long-standing partners. “It is important to us to use our network of our local partners for both sides to ensure the smooth and economically viable execution of the project,” continues Freese. The quality of the soil plays a key role when selecting the areas for all projects: “Naturally, we only build on poor soils that are difficult to use for agriculture,” says Freese. To keep the impact on nature, the environment, and agriculture as low as possible, we exclude ecologically valuable areas and high-yielding farmland.

“The second PV plant that we operate ourselves is located in Petkus, Brandenburg, and has a capacity of 65 MW,” adds Freese.

In Buckow, Brandenburg, EnviTec has successfully established another PV project with the help of its shareholders. Here, the Niederer Fläming agricultural business is producing green energy with the 65-megawatt PV park in addition to its existing biogas plant. The energy from the PV park will be purchased by the VW subsidiary PowerCo SE at a fixed price for a period of ten years starting on January 1, 2025.

In addition to the two PV projects completed so far, five additional ground-mounted PV projects and three wind farms are currently under development. For these upcoming projects, the startup is currently expanding, particularly in the area of project development. “We deliberately rely on a small, flexible team with a maximum of five employees in order to implement our diverse land use options efficiently and agilely,” concludes CEO von Lehmden.


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