ClearSign Technologies Corp. announces purchase order for ClearSign Core M Series Process Burner for a gas processing facility

ClearSign Technologies Corp., an emerging leader in industrial combustion and sensing technologies that support decarbonization, improve operational and energy efficiency, enable the use of hydrogen as a fuel and enhance safety while dramatically reducing emissions, announces they have received a purchase order for one of their new "M" series process burners, the ClearSign Core M1, from heater manufacturer Devco Process Heaters of Tulsa, Oklahoma (Devco).

"There has been notable interest in this new "M" series process burner line, and we are excited that we are seeing early market engagement. For instance, since sharing the results of our first installation demonstrating superior NOx and improved efficiency, we have received a positive response to this technology, including multiple requests for quotations in addition to this order. This will be the second installation of this technology for the midstream market, which is the sector it was initially designed for. That being said, we do believe this burner series also has applicability for boilers and other types of process heaters, and we are looking forward to extending this burner series to cover these other applications."

The burner branded as the ClearSign Core M1 was sold by Devco and will be going into a new hot oil heater in a gas processing facility in Colorado. The Company expects to deliver the burner in the second quarter 2025.

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