Commonwealth LNG file formal FERC Application for Louisiana export terminal

Commonwealth LNG filed a formal application to FERC for permission to build an 8.4 MMtpy export terminal and interconnecting 3 mile long 30 inch feedgas pipeline, with project budget of $4 billion.

Source: EWA

Commonwealth and Gunvor Singapore already signed Heads of Agreement in June for 15 years sale and purchase agreement for 1.5 MMtpa offtake. The firm is also offering fixed-price terms, and is willing to sell for less than the U.S. industry standard of 115 percent of the Henry Hub benchmark. The possibility of shorter-term contracts shows how LNG is becoming more commoditized.

US Coast Guard has recommended the Calcasieu River Ship Channel be considered suitable for accommodating the type and frequency of LNG marine traffic associated with this project.

Houston-based Commonwealth LNG propose a modular six-train facility on 400 acres in Cameron Parish, Lousiana. Each modular train is rated at 1.4 MMtpy. The facility wlll also have six modular 40,000 cubic meter LNG storage tanks built offsite. Using moduar construction avoids housing thousands of temporary workers in worker villages.

Target start of operationsis is early 2024. THis 36-month timeline after FID is quicker than the typical 48-month timeline for similar LNG projects.

TechnipFMC is already working on engineering and design to help meet this deadline.

Arup is providing specialist structural, mechanical and naval architecture engineering services for the development of the industry’s first LNG modular storage tanks.


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