Enterprise to expand Orla natgas processing complex in West Texas

HOUSTON — Enterprise Products Partners L.P. announced that the partnership plans to add 300 MMcfd of incremental capacity at its cryogenic natural gas processing facility under construction near Orla, Texas in Reeves County.

Enterprise Orla Gas Processing Plant
Photo courtesy of Enterprise.

The addition of a third processing train at Orla would increase inlet volume capacity to 900 MMcfd and allow Enterprise to expand its natural gas liquids (NGL) extraction capabilities by an incremental 40,000 bpd to 120,000 bpd. The third processing train is expected to begin service in the second quarter of 2019 and will complement trains one and two, which are on schedule for completion in the second and third quarters of 2018, respectively.

Mixed NGLs from Orla will be delivered into Enterprise’s fully integrated pipeline system, including the new Shin Oak Pipeline which is currently under construction and scheduled to begin operations in the second quarter of 2019. Residual natural gas from Orla will be transported to the Waha area through a 68-mi, 36-in. diameter pipeline scheduled to begin service commensurate with the first Orla train, and will connect to Enterprise’s Texas Intrastate pipeline system at the Waha hub.

Upon completion of the Orla expansion projects, Enterprise will have total natural gas processing capacity of more than 1.2 Bcfd, and the capability to extract more than 200,000 bpd of NGLs in the Permian Basin.


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