Industry trade associations API, ANGA to merge in 2016

Following the approval of both boards of directors, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and America's Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) have announced that the two organizations will combine into a single trade association, effective January 1, 2016.

The combined association will continue ANGA's mission under API.

“There is a natural synergy between our organisations,” said API CEO Jack Gerard. “As a single organization, the combined skills and capabilities bring an enhanced advocacy strength to natural gas market development, ANGA’s primary mission, and the combined association’s expanded membership will provide additional lift to API’s ongoing efforts on important public policy issues.”

Under the agreement, ANGA's mission to promote natural gas as a clean, affordable solution to America’s energy and environmental needs will be handled by a new market development group at API, a team led by current ANGA President Marty Durbin. ANGA members who are not already members of API will become full members.

“Marty will be essential to our continued, and now combined, efforts to advance natural gas market development and I am pleased to welcome him back to API in this new role,” said Gerard. “And we welcome ANGA members to full participation in API’s industry wide activities.”

API and ANGA have long collaborated to highlight environmental, job creation, energy security and consumer benefits from abundant and affordable supplies of natural gas.

“ANGA was founded in 2009 at the beginning of the shale energy revolution, and its members were visionary regarding the benefits natural gas would bring to our energy supply and our economy. Combining these two associations continues that vision by recognising how best to organise for maximum effect,” said Marty Durbin, who will hold the title of Executive Director of Market Development under the combined association. “I look forward to combining forces to drive even greater utilisation of abundant, clean burning and affordable natural gas.”

API is the only national trade association representing all facets of the oil and natural gas industry, which supports 9.8 million US jobs and 8% of the US economy. API’s has more than 625 members, which include large integrated companies, as well as exploration and production, refining, marketing, pipeline, and marine businesses, and service and supply firms.


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