Fluor constructs Quest carbon capture project in Canada for Shell

Fluor has completed the construction of Shell’s Quest carbon capture and storage (CCS) project near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, Canada, officials announced.

The completion was recognized at the Shell Quest carbon capture and storage start-up celebration at the site.

Using its proprietary 3rd Gen Modular Execution approach, Fluor designed and built the facility using 69 separate interlocking modules that were assembled at the jobsite. This Athabasca oil sands project was delivered under budget and on schedule with an exemplary construction safety record, according to Fluor officials.

Honeywell Iraq BigFluor was responsible for the engineering, procurement and construction services for the capture portion of the Quest CCS project that was built adjacent to an existing operating facility.

In order to minimize the capital costs of the new facility and reduce disruptions to the existing operating facility, Fluor implemented its modular execution strategy to fabricate the interlocking modules offsite and then deliver them for installation.

Fluor’s design approach, which compresses the space requirements of a typical plant, reduced material quantities and the construction labor hours required in the field. The approach also delivered capital efficiencies to the project and shortened the time to completion following delivery of the final module.

“The successful completion of the Shell Quest CCS project demonstrates the value of Fluor’s 3rd Gen Modular Execution, an innovative project execution delivery that lowers costs and improves schedule predictability for our clients,” said Jim Brittain, president of Fluor’s energy and chemicals business in the Americas region.

“By implementing this technology in the early phases and delivering it throughout the full project execution, we were able to reduce the plot space of the facility by approximately 20 percent and eliminate material and labor costs from the project," he added. "This brought additional value to our client and enabled us to complete construction on schedule.”

Fluor’s 3rd Gen Modular Execution platform optimizes work at site in order to reduce costs, improve safety, enhance worker productivity and quality assurance and reduce the overall environmental footprint.

The project, built by Fluor’s direct-hire construction staff, was completed with a strong safety performance that achieved a zero lost time incident rate with more than 1.3 million hours worked.

The Quest CCS project will capture approximately 1 MMtpy of carbon dioxide from the Scotford Upgrader and store it deep underground. The project was recognized as a 2015 global best project by Engineering News-Record in the power/industrial category.


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