US Industry Metrics

Adrienne Blume, Managing Editor

A. Blume, Editor

In the US, natural gas prices have been sliding throughout the autumn as gas production remains steady on the year, despite dropping rig counts. NGL prices also continue to decline, with the NGL composite price at Mont Belvieu at just over $5/MMBtu as of mid-October. However, the latest data available from the US EIA showed a rebound in NGL production in July from a downturn in June, as well as higher output volumes for LPG, ethane/ethylene and propane/propylene. Also, gas injection for winter storage was climbing as of mid-October, with storage levels pegged at 12% higher on the year. GP

Metrics Fig 01

US gas production (Bcfd) and prices ($/Mcf)


Metrics Fig 02

US natural gas spot prices at Henry Hub and NGL spot prices
at Mont Belvieu, $/MMBtu


Metrics Fig 03

US natural gas plant field production of NGL, LPG,
ethane/ethylene and propane/propylene, Mbpd


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